Tag Archives: Thermogenesis

Understanding Why Slow Metabolism Can Cause Obesity

Some people find it difficult to lose weight because their body cannot burn calories fast enough, due to slow metabolism caused or driven by one or more factors. Poor or faulty eating habits, lack of exercise, unhealthy lifestyle, stress, excessive drinking, smoking and lack of sleep are the most common reasons why a person’s metabolism slows down.

The prevalence of such factors or drivers prevents optimal calorie burn off, which could reduce fat storage and the production of more fat. The natural and safest way to lose unnecessary body mass therefore, is to correct or reverse all those weight-gain drivers. However, this is not an easy feat if a person is already overweight or obese, which makes taking weight loss supplements a practical solution.

Understanding the Real Purpose of a Weight Loss Supplement

Nowadays, there’s a countless number of weight loss products available and being promoted as the ultimate solution to achieving weight reduction. Yet one should keep in mind that they are only supplements, which means they only augment whatever corrective actions are being taken to achieve a specific goal — to speed up metabolism in ways that will result to calorie deficit.

The most popular type of weight loss supplements being used today are the organic fat burners. They are called as such because the core focus of the formulation of natural ingredients is on triggering thermogenesis.

Thermogenesis in nutritional science refers to the body’s production of heat as a regulatory component of body-balance. Thermogenesis if induced by weight loss supplements is the adaptive calorie burning response to over eating in order to prevent further fat storage.

However, this method could leave users of fat burner supplements feeling tired and debilitated. In many cases, after notable weight loss has been achieved, users tend to believe that they no longer have to take the supplement, only to later suffer from weight fluctuations.

A Weight Loss Supplement that Uses a Hollistic Approach

Actually, a new weight loss supplement called Exipure introduced last October 2021 has been drawing positive reviews. The general characteristics of Exipure is that it uses a more holistic approach in helping users speed up metabolism and its calorie-burning response to food intakes.

Here, thermogenesis goes a step further as the weight loss formulation focuses on boosting the brown adipose tissues (BAT) through the conversion or recruitment of white fat tissues (WAT). As WAT is recruited into becoming BAT, the Exipure user will have more energy to use, which at the same time also reduces the unnecessary fats stored in the body.


Another plus factor about Exipure to help you lose weight is that it includes ingredients that release the “feel good” dopamine and serotonin hormones, which holistically put the user in a more pleasant mental disposition.

Since the manufacturer of Exipure offers a 180-day Guaratantee of the promised results, many lost no time in shifting to this new weight loss supplement, which can only be purchased directly from the manufacturer’s website.
