Human Growth Hormone : Why Medical Consultation Should be a Preliminary Step

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) injectables are now widely used, as many in the body-building community are giving positive feedback about it on forum sites. Still, the usual advice before taking any medicinal supplement is to first consult with a physician since there is more to know about HGH. Have an awareness that human growth hormone does not directly work toward the regeneration of new cells.

What Exactly is HGH and How Does it Work?

The body naturally produces HGH in the form of anabolic hormones. These are released by the pituitary gland located near the brain, mainly to regulate growth.

Once the hormones are released as products of metabolism, they bind themselves to the cells and release special chemical messengers and receptors to which the liver responds.

The chemicals produced by the growth hormones will stimulate the liver to release what is known as IGF-1 or the insulin-like growth factor 1. The latter and not the growth hormone is the one directly involved in encouraging muscle and hair growth and in the thickening and elongation of bones. At the same time, it promotes fat reduction by using the fats stored in fat cells.

However, as a person ages, the natural production of growth hormones declines. As a result, deficiency in the production of the growth hormone causes a natural decline of IGF-1 production by the liver.

Nevertheless, such conditions can be addressed clinically, by way of HGH Therapy, a treatment sought by older people and those suffering from hair loss and low cholesterol syndromes.

Yet medical experts maintain that HGH Therapy should be clinically supervised to ensure avoidance of overstimulation that can lead to over secretion of IGF-1. If such is the case, the negative effects include intense hunger, feelings of fatigue, and in the worst cases, increased pressures occurring in the brain leading to cancer growth.

How and Where to Buy HGH Injectables?

Readers can gather additional information about injectable human growth hormones online. The content you may find includes discussions about safe and fast delivery right at your doorstep but performed discreetly since they come directly from European warehouses,

Many prefer to buy HGH injectables online since the prices of the branded stuff can cost as much as $1500 per 100 IU if bought from a local pharmacy. Although they are also available as generic products sold at a low price of $100, buyers cannot be too sure about the quality of these products.

That is why, HGHLager website reminds those looking to buy HGH online to read reviews about the product as some brands have been proven as more effective than other competing brands.
