10 Health Benefits of Losing Weight

Man running on the treadmill


After quitting smoking, it is undoubtedly a good number two when it comes to good intentions: losing weight. According to Statistics Netherlands, more than 50% of the population was overweight in 2019. Not a crazy idea to get serious about losing weight, if necessary of course. Luckily, there are products like Protetox that can help you lose weight, among other things that you can do to achieve your weight goals.

The benefits of losing weight

Of course, it is the intention that you lose a lot of pounds by losing weight, but to give you some extra motivation, we also tell you right away that you get even more benefits from healthy body weight. We have listed the ten most important advantages.

1. Your blood pressure gets better

A lot of things the human body can have a lot of, but being overweight is certainly not one of them. The problem is that those extra kilos put extra pressure on the heart. It has to work harder to pump all that blood around. That is also the reason that during efforts you are out of breath faster. Your body cannot transport enough oxygen-rich blood fast enough to supply all organs with oxygen.

2. Your body responds better to insulin

If you are overweight, there is a good chance that your body cannot produce enough insulin to keep the sugar level of your blood at normal value. If you do nothing about it and you continue to eat unhealthily, sooner or later you will have to deal with complaints that may be caused by an incipient form of diabetes. If you are going to lose weight, the body recovers and you are super healthy in no time.

3. Less risk of diabetes

To illustrate it clearly: every week 1200 people in the Netherlands are diagnosed with diabetes. At the moment, even 1.2 million people have diabetes 2. That is, to clarify, the situation where the body produces too little insulin. The good news is that such a diagnosis does not have to be an end-stage. If you lose weight and you start eating healthy, there is a good chance that you will get rid of your diabetes again. Losing weight is therefore definitely worth it.

4. Lower risk of fatty liver disease

Another good motivation: if you lose a lot of weight, the risk of fatty liver is becoming smaller. Being overweight is caused by a too high-fat percentage. That fat accumulates in all parts of the body and therefore also in the liver. Worldwide, about 25% of the population suffers from this.

5. Risk of cardiovascular disease decreases

As we mentioned earlier, the risk of cardiovascular disease also decreases if you have a healthy (er) BMI. This is mainly due to the fact that a healthy weight reduces the risk of things like diabetes, high blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis. Such things have a direct influence on the condition of your heart. A healthy weight, therefore, ensures a healthy heart.


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6. Less shortness of breath

Being overweight not only harms the heart, it also causes shortness of breath. You will not immediately notice this if you are only a few kilos too heavy, but you will if the weight starts to become problematic. The extra weight also creates extra pressure on the lungs so that they get less oxygen. If you are losing a lot of weight, you will notice that you can breathe easier.

7. For women: healthy pregnancy and childbirth

A pregnancy is in itself a considerable attack on the body, but it gets even worse if a woman also suffers from obesity. In addition, the chance of pregnancy sugar increases as a woman is heavier. If this is the case with your partner and you have a strong desire to have children, motivate her to get started with the fight against the kilos. Do that subtly, no woman likes to hear that she is overweight.

8. Fertility

Nice if you want to have children, but that is a lot easier if there is no overweight. That applies to both women and men, but for men, there is an extra reason to become slim: it improves fertility and the quality of your seed.

9. Erection

If you are not yet completely convinced of the usefulness of losing weight, then here is a reason why you are complete ‘over’ at once. A healthy weight ensures a good erection. While with a little overweight you probably won’t immediately have problems with getting your young man up, this is a completely different story with severe overweight. After all, where fat is present, the blood can flow less easily. Let that just be necessary to perform well in bed.

10. More self-confidence

Slimming down is not only good for your physical health, it also provides more self-confidence. You will feel a lot better when you have lost those excess kilos. In addition, losing weight is quite an achievement and you, therefore, have every reason to be proud of yourself.
